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Mycelium Growth on Clay Mold - Sculpting Sustainable Spirits: Mycelium Packaging Experiment

For Project Sound of Nature " S ON " In this experiment, mycelium was grown on a clay mold to create sustainable material fabrication for the packaging solution. The clay mold provided a natural and eco-friendly alternative to plastic molds typically used in mycelium cultivation. By harnessing the growth properties of mycelium, we aimed to sculpt packaging materials that are not only biodegradable but also aesthetically pleasing.


Curing mycelium-based materials in a humid environment like Cognac poses unique challenges due to the high moisture content in the air. Mycelium requires specific environmental conditions to dry and cure properly, including adequate airflow and controlled humidity levels. In a humid environment, the excess moisture can hinder the drying process, leading to prolonged curing times and potential issues such as mold growth or deformation of the final product.

Furthermore, the high humidity in Cognac can contribute to increased shrinkage of the mycelium-based material during the drying process. This shrinkage, which was observed to be around 20% in the experiment, can result in deviations from the desired dimensions of the packaging material. To address this challenge, further refinement of the mold design is necessary to account for the shrinkage and ensure the final product meets the intended specifications.

Overall, curing mycelium-based materials in a humid environment requires careful consideration of environmental factors and adjustments to the curing process to achieve optimal results.

Substrate: Saw dust collected from Barrel Makers in Cognac 

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)

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