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Fungi Method: At Petites- Series

What exactly is The Fungi Method, you ask? Well, it's like this: imagine a process where we ditch the toxic molds and energy-draining methods in favor of something truly extraordinary. We're talking about nurturing mycelium on organic waste substrates, blending in clay, beeswax, silk fiber, and organic cellulose material molds. The result? Pure eco-friendly goodness.

But here's the best part: it's not just about the end product. It's about the journey. It's about blurring the lines between human habitation and natural ecosystems, fostering a deeper connection with our environment. It's about making sustainability stylish.

 This process eliminates excessive sterilization, indoor heating, and toxic plastic molds, transforming the fabrication process into a harmonious collaboration with the environment. The House Lab integrates myco-fabrication, blurring the boundaries between human habitation and natural ecosystems, fostering a deeper connection with the environment and embodying the principles of sustainable living.


And let me tell you, seeing those mycelium colonies flourish on organic waste substrates? It's like watching a tiny miracle unfold before my eyes. Each piece I create is a testament to the power of collaboration between humans and the environment. It's like I've tapped into this wellspring of creativity that's been hiding in plain sight all along

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